The fillings will complement the bright flavors and sweet flavors of the confectionery products that have been heat-treated, from the category of creams "without index" differ in a more viscous and dense structure. It is available in the assortment names "Vanilla", "Caramel", "Chocolate".
A homogeneous mass with a characteristic color, taste and aroma for the selected name.
6 months at the recommended temperature of no more than +20°C
It has a pronounced taste and aroma, according to the assortment name.
Массовая доля жира
at least 15%
The product is universal application, Cakes (separating time, a layer, cream), The filling for the rolls, Rods for cheesecakes, Pastry and puff pastry products, Cakes, Ice Cream Rods, Mixing in the cream
Sealed polymer container with a liner. Net weight-13 kg