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Closed Joint Stock Company "Production Association "Gummy" was founded in 1993. It is a vertically integrated company with complete production cycle from the cultivation and harvesting of raw materials to production and sales of high quality products for many sectors of food industry.

Now "Gummy" owns several large enterprises in Nizhny Novgorod region - they are "Borskiy Dairy Plant", JSC "Lyskovsky Cannery", Food Ingredients Plant and diversified agricultural enterprise JSC "Plodopitomnik" which serves as our basic raw material base . Together with its subsidiaries, "Gammy" has an extensive sales network, transport service, supply system, high scientific and technological potential and works with industry-leading institutes in Russia and many foreign companies specializing in food technologies.

The number of employees is more than 1,000 people.

"Gummy" is a constant diplomant of international, national, regional exhibitions and trade fairs, such as the International Exhibition "Food Ingredients, Additives and Spices", International Specialized Exhibition "World of Ice Cream and Cold"; Diploma Program "100 best goods of Russia".

Main business lines

The main business areas of the company are:


Production Association "Gammy": corporate history

1993 - the foundation of the company1994 - the production of mayonnaise was organized
1996 - the production of ketchup was organized
1997 - the production of yogurt was organized
1998 - the production of fruit fillings was organized
1999 - the company started to produce jams
2001 - Lyskovsky Plodopitomnik was acquired
2002 - the production of condensed milk was organized
2004 - the company mastered the sphere of ornamental plant growing in Liskovskiy Plodopitomnik
2008 - an apple orchard was founded
2009 - Breeding Farm given its status
2009 - Food ingredients plant was commissioned
2010 - the company started to produce thermostable creams (CremMix)
2012 - A new plant for the production of CremMix was commissioned

Working with "Gummy" you choose

  • LARGE INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE - our holding includes several of his own refineries producing a wide range of products. Our own agricultural enterprise allows us to guarantee the quality of our products.
  • EXPERIENCE - twenty years of work in the food industry have led to sustainable partnership with companies in Russia as well as a number of companies in neighboring countries.
  • INNOVATION - our constant search for new approaches to solving problems of optimization of production, our experience, research activities give us an opportunity to use the world's best production and promotion technologies.
  • QUALITY - unique technologies, precise control over all stages of production, the interest in the best results.
  • INDIVIDUAL APPROACH - we are ready to choose the most convenient ways of cooperation, open for consultations and search for the best solutions, when some non-standard taste solution is necessary.