OUR interlocutor, the director of the Plodopitomnik farm, Marina Zakrevskaya, finds a lot in common with her film prototype ... Living in a village near Bryansk, at the age of 20, young Marina became a chief accountant at a local collective farm, combining a serious position with her studies. She mastered all the basics and subtleties of agricultural production immediately in practice. Often it was necessary to make serious management decisions for the collective farm chairman. The workers perceived her as a real leader. So several years passed until, by the will of fate, Marina Zakrevskaya ended up in the Nizhny Novgorod region, where she moved with her husband. Here Marina Vladimirovna managed 7 collective farms and 2 dairy factories, which were part of a large holding.
- Marina Vladimirovna, how did it happen that you ended up in Lyskovo?
- I originally came here as a curator of the enterprise. My task was to get the farm out of the difficult economic situation in which it had been for a long time. However, the analysis of activities showed the need for cardinal decisions, and not just support. I had to completely take the reins into their own hands. Today I am in charge of three areas at once: "Voskhod" LLC, food ingredients plant and "Plodopitomnik".
–How do you manage to combine such seemingly different activities?
- The main support, of course, is on the main specialists. I have a wonderful technologist at RFI, who completely took over the technological process, I still have administrative and financial issues, which greatly facilitates my work. As for nursery breeding in Voskhod, it is also a well-oiled system, people are excellent, they know their job well. Management and commerce are a little lame, but we are working on this now. We will improve the quality, expand the range, produce not only fruit, but also ornamental plants.
The most difficult task is "Fruit Nursery". This year we purchased grain harvesting equipment, and these combines have already shown themselves well in work. Next year we will be engaged in animal husbandry. Step by step, with participation in the programs of the regional ministry, we will build a new livestock complex. To qualitatively improve and increase the breeding stock of animals, to increase milk yield. There are also plans to expand the sown area ...
- Does the team share your plans?
- You know, I'm not at all the image of the collective farm chairman, which, perhaps, they are used to seeing here. But people understand: in order for life to change for the better, you need to get out of the usual channel. I often travel to the fields, communicate with workers on an equal footing, listen to their suggestions and do not postpone the resolution of issues. I will definitely reward people who work a lot and with a soul for the good of the enterprise. During the time that I am here, we have learned to understand each other. People who were not able to work in a new rhythm left the enterprise, but good specialists returned, who left the farm due to problems with paying salaries.
- How are things with wages at the enterprise today?
- This question is no longer so acute. I try to improve not only the quality of work, but also the pay system, which, after further revision, will be proportional to the employee's performance. There is a tendency to improve the staff. It is important today to form a team and move forward with it. We will invite specialists whom we cannot raise among our employees from outside. There are strong agreements with the Nizhny Novgorod Agricultural Academy. In addition, we are ready to provide young professionals with housing and support for participation in targeted programs.
The agricultural year is drawing to a close. From which side does he show himself?
- It's too early to talk about the results. Now for manufacturers there is a no less important stage associated with the sale of products. It is important that a good harvest sets the stage for further progress. We hope that the prices for the harvest will not let us down and we will be able to profitably sell everything that we have collected.